What personal information do we collect from you?

We collect your information in three ways: Information You Provide, Automatically Collected Information, and Information from Other Sources. More detail is provided below.

Information you provide

Automatically Collected Information

We aim to process the personal data of users in accordance with general principles of privacy.

Your personal data, which you provided/will provide to our Company and/or obtained by our Company by any means, may be processed by our Company as “Data Controller”; - In the context of the objective of processing your personal data and in connection with this purpose, in a limited and measured manner, - By maintaining the accuracy and up-to-date version of the personal data as reported or notified to our Company, - May be recorded, stored, preserved, reorganized and be transferred to the institutions authorized to request such personal data by law and shall be transferred, classified and shared with third parties within the country or abroad under the conditions stipulated by legislation and upon your explicit consent if necessary, and they may be processed by other means listed under the legislation and be subject to other procedures set forth in the legislation.

This Privacy Policy describes the data collected, intended use of the data, storage of the data, protection of the data and how the collected data will be shared, withdraw of your consent for the processing of these data and how the data will be corrected and revised.

Transferring Personal Data to Third Parties.

Your personal data may be transferred abroad for the following reasons: - Conducting storage and archive activities - Conducting business activities - Conducting after-sales support services for goods/services - Managing customer relationship management processes. We may also transfer your personal data to services providers of our Company, third parties such as Facebook SDK, Adjust and Firebase Analytics which are embedded into our service for the following purposes: - Sharing identity, communication and transaction security information with authorized public institutions and organizations for the purpose of execution of activities in compliance with legislation, monitor and execution of legal affairs, informing authorized persons, institutions and organizations. - Sharing identity and contact information to manage after-sales support services, conduct business activities and manage customer relationship management processes.

Contact Us

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.